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Creating harmony for a healthy, balanced life

학사공지 게시판

[3회차] 디지털 유니버스 콜로퀴움 안내: 9월 26일(목) 16:00 / 대학A동 227호

  • 김선영
  • 등록일 : 2024.09.24
  • 조회수 : 16338

<3rd Digital Universe Colloquium>

-Title: The Past, Present, and Future of Intelligent Agent Collaboration

Speker: Kang, Dong Oh (Host: Kim, Ue Hwan)

               (Principal Researcher of the Visual Intelligence Research Lab at ETRI)

- Date/Time: September 26, 2024 (Thursday) 16:00–17:00 

Location: Building A(N4), Room 227


Below is an abstract of the talk:


With the recent remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, many tasks once considered exclusively within the human domain are now being performed by AI. These technological developments are progressing to the point where AI can either replace humans or collaborate with them autonomously to achieve specific goals. As a result, research on autonomous AI entities—intelligent agents that can communicate with humans, perceive dynamic environments, and make decisions autonomously to achieve given objectives—is gaining significant attention.

This lecture focuses on intelligent agents' collaborative capabilities, including machine-to-machine and human-machine collaboration. It explores the historical evolution of these technologies, the current state of the art, and the challenges in the future. The lecture covers the shift from earlier technologies that emphasized emulating human intelligence and interoperability to recent advancements, where deep learning, reinforcement learning, and large language models enable agents to learn and share intelligence autonomously. Additionally, real-world applications of intelligent agent collaboration in robotics, smart homes, and manufacturing are introduced.



**Students interested in the lecture can attend even if they haven't registered, provided there are available seats in the classroom.