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학사공지 게시판

Temporary Changes to CV-19 Quarantine Rules for a “Close Contact A”

  • 기민정
  • 등록일 : 2022.04.15
  • 조회수 : 455

재학생 밀접접촉자 A그룹 관리기준 한시적 변경()

Temporary Changes to CV-19 Quarantine Rules for a “Close Contact A”


Main contents: (Previous) Return home → (Current) Participation in face-to-face classes/tests is allowed, and, if there is no roommate, staying at the dormitory is allowed.

□ Details                                                            

1. Current student ¹[Close Contact A] temporary change of management standards (draft)

If the rapid antigen test is negative

A. Face-to-face class/exam: allowed (refrain from going outside except for classes and exams)

Meals should be done through a delivery service to prevent overlap movement with other students


B. Stay in the dormitory: If you do not have a roommate, you can stay in the current dormitory on campus, but, if you have a roommate, you must return home or quarantine yourself in the dormitory T Building.


University Dormitory T Building is provided only if there is an available room for quarantine and for the following conditions: If there is a confirmed case at home, if there is a person with a severe underlying disease at home, if a face-to-face exam is scheduled (if the number of available rooms are insufficient, students who have completed their face-to-face exams must check out first).


Rapid antigen test: (maintain current rule) conducted twice: on the day symptoms develop and at the end of self-management

In case of having symptoms or being confirmed positive through a rapid antigen test by an expert: Take action according to the GIST CV-19 manual (GIST website/GISTian/COVID-19 Status/GIST quarantine standards and self-management standards/GIST COVID-19 response manual for each situation)


2. Relevant Timeline: April 11, 2022 (Mon.) - 22. (Fri.) Temporary operation


3. Reason for temporary change: smooth progress of face-to-face exams

¹Close Contact A: Cases of confirmed family/roommates living together or face-to-face (during meals, conversations, etc.) with confirmed persons not wearking masks

  Except when eating ina partitioned area, such as a student/staff cafeteria on campus.








수동감시자 격리시설 신청 이용 방법

How to Apply for and Use the Self-monitoring Quarantine Facility



1. Criteria for using quarantine facilities

A. Quarantine facility: University Dormitory T House (Building B)

B. Standards for use: In case of the following reasons for those subjected to self-monitoring

- 1st priority: Foreign students who have difficulty returning to their home country

- 2nd priority: If there is a confirmed case at home

- 3rd priority: If there is a serious underlying disease at home

- 4th priority: When a face-to-face exam is scheduled (if the number of available rooms is insufficient, students who have completed their face-to-face exams must check out first)

Students should consult with the House Master on the severity and whether it is possible to secure a separate quarantine space at home before being assigned a room.


2. How to apply

A. Weekdays: Contact the staff in charge at the Section of Students Services (Tel: 3603, uhousing@gist.ac.kr)

B. Weekends and public holidays: Contact the staff at the House Association quarantine facility.

- Contact: Kakao Talk open chat room (https://open.kakao.com/o/gbKCIH3d)

- Operating hours: 09:00 - 15:00             

For other times, please contact the staff in charge at the Section of Student Services (Tel: 3603, uhousing@gist.ac.kr)


3. How to use

A. Entrance

- Enter through the back door of Building B of the University Dormitory (do not use the front door)

- Do not use the elevator. Go immediately to the emergency exit stairway after passing through the back door.

B. Meal distribution

- In principle, you should make/provide your own meals (delivery location: table at the back door of Building B of the University Dormitory)





Meal box pickup time

08:00 ~ 08:30

12:00 ~ 12:30

17:30 ~ 18:00

C. Provision of supplies (drinking water, garbage bags, blankets)

- In principle, blankets can be borrowed free of charge only for graduate students, but undergraduate students must bring their own.

- Additional items can be picked up directly during the meal box pickup time (Storage: Table at the back door of Building B of the University Dormitory)

D. Garbage disposal

- Put the garbage in the garbage bags provided, and seal it as securely as possible before placing it outside in front of the room door

E. Checkout procedure

- After tidying up the room, place any borrowed blankets on the cart in the hallway.

- Notify to the quarantine manager and the Section of Student Services (Tel: 3603) that the self-monitoring period has ended and that you can leave the quarantine facility.