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학사공지 게시판

[Update May 3rd] Temporary Changes to CV-19 Quarantine Rules for a “Close Contact A” student

  • 정은주
  • 등록일 : 2022.04.15
  • 조회수 : 493

재학생 밀접접촉자 A그룹 관리기준 변경 안내

Changes to CV-19 Quarantine Rules for a “Close Contact A” student


Main contents

1. Changes to CV-19 Quarantine Rules for a “Close Contact A ¹” student



If the rapid antigen test is negative

Face-to-face class/exam/research: allowed


Refrain from going outside except for classes, exams or research.

Meals: through delivery services to avoid close contact with other students or at a dining table with plastic shields

Dormitory Policy

- Dormitory residents with no roommates may stay in his/her room.

- Dormitory residents who have roommates must self-isolate by staying either at on-campus quarantine facilities(if available) or off-campus (home or self-paid temporary accommodation)/


Rapid antigen test: (current rule maintained) It should be conducted twice: on the first day and at the end of self-monitoring

In case of having symptoms or being confirmed positive through a rapid antigen test by an expert

Take action according to the GIST CV-19 manual (GIST website/GISTian/COVID-19 Status/GIST quarantine standards and self-management standards/GIST COVID-19 response manual by situation)


¹Close Contact A: Cases of confirmed family/roommates living together or face-to-face (during meals, conversations, etc.) with confirmed persons not wearing masks

  Except when eating in a partitioned area, such as a student/staff cafeteria on campus.


2. Relevant Timeline: From May 3, 2022 (Tue.) until further notice



수동감시자 격리시설 신청 이용 방법

How to Apply for and Use the Self-monitoring Quarantine Facility



1. Criteria for using quarantine facilities

A. Quarantine facility: University Dormitory T House (Building B)

B. Priority will be given to

- International students who have difficulty returning to their home country

 - If there is a confirmed case at home

- If there is a patient with serious underlying disease at home

Students should consult with the House Master on the severity and whether it is possible to secure a separate quarantine space at home before being assigned a room.

- If face-to-face exam is scheduled / If inevitable face-to face research/experiment is necessary



2. How to apply

A. Weekdays: Contact the staff in charge at the Section of Students Services (Tel: 3603, uhousing@gist.ac.kr)

B. Weekends and public holidays: Contact the staff at the House Association quarantine facility.

- Contact: Kakao Talk open chat room (https://open.kakao.com/o/gbKCIH3d)

- Operating hours: 09:00 - 15:00             

For other times, please contact the staff in charge at the Section of Student Services (Tel: 3603, uhousing@gist.ac.kr)


3. How to use

A. Entrance                        

- Enter through the back door of Building B of the Undergraduate Dormitory (do not use the front door)

- Do not use the elevator. Go immediately to the emergency exit stairway after passing through the back door.

B. Meals

- In principle, you should provide your own meals through delivery services or at a dining table with plastic shields. (commercial delivery location: table at the back door of Building B of the University Dormitory)


C. Provision of supplies (drinking water, garbage bags, blankets)

- In principle, blankets can be borrowed free of charge only for graduate students, but undergraduate students must bring their own.

- Additional items should be prepared by himself/herself.

D. Going out

Going out is strictly prohibited except for inevitable face-to-face classes/exams/lab research/experiments.

E. Garbage disposal

- Put the garbage in the garbage bags provided, and seal it as securely as possible before placing it outside in front of the room door

F. Checkout procedure

- After tidying up the room, place any borrowed blankets on the cart in the hallway.

- Notify to the quarantine manager and the Section of Student Services (Tel: 3603) that the self-monitoring period has ended and that you can leave the quarantine facility.


Please note that failure to observe the guidelines listed above will result in demerit point penalties (and expulsion form the dormitory for several months) based on the dormitory regulations.