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[IPA-SIR] Event Information: Thank You Relay

  • 문지수
  • 등록일 : 2021.12.08
  • 조회수 : 515

Thank you relay poster

Greetings from IPA-SIR!


IPA-SIR is hosting a 'Thank You Relay' campaign to celebrate the end of the year.

If you send a video message thanking a person you truly appreciate at GIST, then you will have a chance to win a 'Galaxy Buds 2' (see the rules below)!


▷ How to Apply 

Click on the link below and record a video message of up to less than a minute thanking someone you appreciate; submit the video through email to IPA-SIR (jisoomoon@gist.ac.kr) and to the person that you are thanking.


Then, if that person want to continue the Thank You Relay, he or she can simply send a thank you video to someone else that they appreciate at GIST.


- Link: https://forms.gle/iF3P1CwfidaJD8et5


Apply through the link → Record a video message → Send it to IPA-SIR (jisoomoon@gist.ac.kr) and to the person you are thanking.



Thank You Relay Guidelines:


※ Korean members must make video thanking international members at GIST.


※ International members must make video thanking Korean members at GIST.


Language: Video can be made either in English or in Korean


※ Time limit: Videos should be less than 1 minute


※ Video format: MP4 or MOV


Judging: The 'Galaxy Buds 2' will be randomly given to 1 international and 1 Korean member of the longest Thank You Relay chain.



▷ Application period: 2021.12.07. (Tue) ~ 12.22. (Wed


▷ Benefits: A chance to win Galaxy Buds2 for two best participants and Starbucks Gifticons for every participant


▷ Inquiry: jisoomoon@gist.ac.kr 


We look forward to your participation, and enjoy the end of the semester!



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