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[Seminar Announcement] From Web 2.0 to Social Computing - Sangki Steve Han(KAIST)/CTI

  • 정창국
  • 등록일 : 2009.10.05
  • 조회수 : 5571

From Web 2.0 to Social Computing

2.0 시대에서 소셜 컴퓨팅의 시대로

  Oct. 7(Wed) pm 4:00

[Site]  DIC B-203 (정보통신공학과 B동 203호)
[Speaker]  Prof. Sangki Steve Han from

[Abstract ]

 Many people are saying that web 2.0 is dead.  However, some researchers or industry leaders think that the concept, methodology, and philosophy of web 2.0 is evolved into the social computing. Social computing is a new interdisciplinary approach to understand, model, and predict the societal issues on the web through computational approaches. It is an area of the computer science but extended to combine the research results from various fields like sociology, psychology, anthropology, law, biology, AI, and more. 

 Social Computing Lab is a new research group at KAIST to explore and study on the social computing, human-centered computing, and cyberspace.  Four professors and 13 MS and PhD students are conducting researches including the influence model, trust, recommendation, community culture, online relations, social TV, and etc.  Our research is strongly connected with the industry since we believe the social computing is related to the society and the internet industry.  Finding various computational model to understand the societal issues on the web is our mission.

 In this talk, Prof. Han will introduce the concept and research topics of the social computing and current research activities in the Social Computing Lab at KAIST. Both Previous researches and some on-going study topics will be discussed. Addiotionally, some new conferences in this field will be also introduced. 


 많은 사람들은 2.0 이미 끝났다고 말한다그러나 어떤 연구가들이나 기업의 리더들은 이제 2.0 개념과 방법론, 철학은 소셜 컴퓨팅으로 진화하고 있다고 생각한다소셜 컴퓨팅은 컴퓨팅 가능한 방식으로  상에서 일어나는 사회적 이슈에 대한 이해, 모델링, 그리고 예측을 하기 위한 새로운 학제적 접근이라 있다소셜컴퓨팅은 전산학의 분야이기는 하지만 사회학, 심리학, 인류학, 법학, 생물학, 인공 지능 등의 다양한 분야의 연구 결과를 결합하는 보다 확장된 분야이다.

 카이스트의 소셜 컴퓨팅 랩은 새로 만들어진 연구실로 소셜 컴퓨팀, 인간중심컴퓨팅, 사이버스페이스에 대한 탐구와 연구를 하기 위한 연구 그룹이다현재 4명의 교수와 13명의 석박사 과정 학생으로 이루어져 있으며, 주요 연구 분야로는 영향력 모델, 신뢰, 추천, 커뮤니티 문화, 온라인 관계, 소셜 TV 등에 대한 연구가 진행되고 있다소셜 컴퓨팅은 사회와 인터넷 산업에 매우 밀접하게 연결되어 있기 때문에 카이스트의 연구는 기업과 연계하여 진행하고자 한다

  세미나에서는 소셜 컴퓨팅 랩를 총괄하는 한상기 교수가 소셜 컴퓨팅의 개념과 연구 주제, 그리고 랩에서의 현재 연구 활동 들을 소개한다과거 2-3 간의 연구 결과 뿐만 아니라 현재 진행되고 있는 연구 토픽에 대해서도 소개가 이루어질 예정이다또한 최근에 새로 만들어진 관련 학회에 대한 소개도 함께 있을 예정이다.


[About Speaker]

Sangki Steve Han


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Graduate School of Culture Technology

335 Gwahangno, Yuseoung-gu, Daejeon 305-701 Korea

Tel: +82-42-350-2988




Dr. Steve Han has joined GSCT from January 2009 as a full-time professor. He used to be an adjunct professor since 2006 and has been a leader in IT industry in Korea and one of the evangelists for web 2.0 technologies and services.

At KAIST GSCT, he and his students are researching on social computing area such as tagging, trust / reputation, recommendation, social network analysis, and etc. Most of his researches are related to the combination of the computer science and social science to explain peoples activities on the web. He will serve as a program committe member of BLOG TALK ASIA 2009 in Jeju Island.

He founded several companies and worked as a corporate executive since 1999 including VenturePort Inc., Daum Communication, and Opinity AP Inc. From 2006, he started a social shopping service called REVU, which is one of the earliest web 2.0 services in Korea.

In late 1990s, he worked for Samsung Electronics as a corporate strategist and product manager. One of the world-wide famous MP3 player called YEPP was developed by his team in 1997.

Born in December 5th, 1960, he has two sons and a wife living in Vancouver, Canada. He graduated from Seoul National University and received his Master and Ph.D. degrees from KAIST Computer Science.

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