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[물리광과학과 Colloquium] 3.22.(WED). 16:30~/ Prof. Tae Won Noh(Seoul National University)

  • 박다빈
  • 등록일 : 2017.03.20
  • 조회수 : 4088

-Colloquium notice - 

* Date: 2017.3.22.(WED). 16:30~

* Place: GIST College C #110

* Speaker: Prof. Tae Won Noh(Seoul National University)

* Title: Metal-insulator transitions in some correlated electron systems

* Host: Prof. Lee Jong Seok

* Language: English

Dept. of Physics and Photon science In English Host: Prof. Lee jong Seok Colloquium Metal-insulator transitions in some correlated electron systems Prof. Tae Won Noh (Seoul National University) 2017. 3. 22.(WED) 16:30 GIST College C#ll0 (GIST 대학C동 110호)

5212건 / 오늘 0
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