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[언어교육센터] 2017 봄학기 영어워크숍(1차): You are What you eat: Talking about food

  • 정명하
  • 등록일 : 2017.03.07
  • 조회수 : 2535


3월 10일 2017 봄학기 제 1회 영어 워크숍을 개최합니다.

관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


* 일정: 3월 10일 금요일

* 시간: 오후 1시 ~ 2시 30분

* 장소: 대학 A동 107호

* 워크숍 주제: You are What you eat: Talking about food

* 정원: 20명(선착순 마감)

* 강사: David Patrona


* 신청방법: https://language.gist.ac.kr/에서 워크숍 일정 확인 후 Registration 신청

               메뉴 상단 > Special Program > Workshops > Current Topics & Schedule

* 문의사항: T. 3702


2017 LEC Spring Workshop You are what You Eat by David Patrona Come to our workshop to talk out food When? 3/10 {Fri} 1:00pm-2:30pm Where? College A 10? What is it about? We have a close relationship with food because it provides us with nutrients and pleasure. Food is also tied to our respective cultures and identities, so talking about food is a common way of getting to know other people. in this workshop, participants will be introduced to vocabulary and expressions that are useful for talking about Food. Participants will also have an opportunity to practice using this vocabulary through activities and discussions. Class size? Maximum 20 Info and registration? https://language.gist.ac.kr/workshop/

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