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[EECS Colloquium] 4/13(Thu.) 16:00~, Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Center in Diamond and its Applications, Dr. Jeong Hyun SHIM (KRISS)

  • 정아영
  • 등록일 : 2017.04.11
  • 조회수 : 3803

EECS Colloquium


Host: Byoung Seung Ham / Language: English

Thursday, April 13, 2017, 16:00~

Haerim Hall, EECS-B Bldg. 1stFloor

Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Center in Diamond and its Applications


Jeong Hyun SHIM, Ph.D.

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science




Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color center in diamond has a single electron spin and is known for long spin coherence time and spin-dependent fluorescence. Quantum technology allowed accessing even individual nuclear spins in diamond through NV centers. Diamond, thus, has been a testbed for evaluating the validity of quantum information protocols in solid-state system. Besides, diamond can be used for nanoscale sensor and hyperpolarized imaging agent in nanoscience and biomedical applications.

In this talk, I will introduce NV centers in diamond, starting from spin and optical properties. Dynamical decoupling[1] and quantum memory[2] schemes for the extended storages of quantum coherence will follow. As an example of application, the temperature sensing[3] with ultra-pure and isotopically 12C enriched diamond will be presented. Finally, the creation of hyperpolarized nuclear magnetization in diamond by means of optical pumping through NV center and will be discussed.

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