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Job Announcement for Research Positions at Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems

  • 홍인덕
  • 등록일 : 2016.08.26
  • 조회수 : 675

고용형태 정규직 채용구분신입+경력
공고기간2016.08.22 ~ 2016.09.06
Our center aims to take up the grand challenge and to create a world-class laboratory for the nonlinear classical and quantum dynamics of nano-structured systems, and to conduct cutting edge research on phenomena at the interfaces of applied and computational theoretical condensed matter physics and optics. We aim to cross-fertilize research on exciton-polariton condensates, superconducting networks, quantum dot networks, ultracold atomic gases, optical waveguide networks, topology, frustration, flatband physics, Fano resonant nanoscale devices, artificial gauge fields, quantum ratchets, many body localization, disorder against interactions, artificial quasicrystals, nonintegrability, deterministic chaos, Arnold diffusion, KAM, coherence and decoherence, quantum stochastic dynamics, finite systems, targeted energy transfer, transport in nano structures, nonlinear naophotonics, topological insulators, and more. Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems invites creative and dynamic talent who will help us achieve our goals.

■ Qualifications

[General Qualifications]
- Applicants must not be disqualified under Article 33 of the “State Public Officials Act”.
- Applicants must have completed mandatory military service or be exempt from such service, and they must not be prohibited from traveling abroad.
- In accordance with relevant laws and decrees, persons with disabilities, or persons eligible for patriot & veteran benefits and their family members are given preference if they submit supporting documents. (Additional points granted)
- Female scientists and engineers
- Persons with degrees and certificates in the relevant area
- Persons with fluency in foreign languages

■ Application Method and Period

- Application method: Fill in the application form and submit via e-mail (pcs@ibs.re.kr)
- Submit CV, Team research plan with application form
- Arrange for three letters of recommendations directed to via e-mail(pcs@ibs.re.kr)
- Application period: Monday, 08/22, 2016 ~ 18:00, Tuesday, 09/06, 2016
■ Additional Information

- Applicants take full responsibility for any consequences resulting from omissions and errors found in the documents, not submitting required documents, etc. If any information in the required documents is proven false, the job offer will be withdrawn.
- None of the submitted documents will be returned.
- If disqualified based on the results of a background check and job-related physical examination, the job offer will be withdrawn.
- If no suitable candidate is found during the screening stage, IBS may close the job opening.
- If hired, the work level, annual salary, etc. will comply with IBS standards.
- Place of employment: Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (Daejeon)
- Inquiries: Ma-Young Kim at Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
(Tel: 042-878-8631, fax: 042-878-8699, e-mail: pcs@ibs.re.kr)