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안전팀 중대본부 이전 안내

  • 박영돈
  • 등록일 : 2020.09.22
  • 조회수 : 843

안전팀 중대본부 이전 안내

(GIST Section of Reserve forces company Re-Location Notice)


2020.10.8.()부로 중대본부가 LG도서관 B1으로 이전하게 되었음을 알려드리며, 예비군/민방위, 보안(신원조사), ID카드발급, 차량등록 등의 업무가 필요하신 분들은 1012()부터 이전 위치(붙임#참조)로 찾아오시면 감사하겠습니다.


On October 8, 2020, the main office for the GIST Reserve forces company will be re-located to the first floor of the LG Library Building B (see the attached reference).   

Reserve forces company assists members of GIST community with reservist/civil defense duties, security background checks, ID cards, vehicle registration, etc.