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Creating limitless possibilities through research and education

하나마이크론㈜ 전문연구요원(병역특례, 석/박사) 모집 [ ~ 모집 완료 시 까지]

  • 홍인덕
  • 등록일 : 2015.12.04
  • 조회수 : 1391

Recruiting Position


Job Title




Academic Ability & Major










Silicon Park

MS degree or higher in computer science, related technical field or equivalent practical experience.

Born since 1984.1.1




MS degree or higher in computer science, related technical field or equivalent practical experience.



MS degree or higher in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science or similar degree or equivalent experience.



Hardware Designer

MS degree or higher in Electrical Engineering, related technical field or equivalent practical experience.



Signal Processing Analyst

MS degree or higher in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, or a related physical science.


Job Description & Requirement


[Android App Developer]


< Responsibilities >

Develop Mobile App. (Android)

Develop APIs

Design, implement, and integrate system software in embedded platforms.

Port and enhance third-party software.

Profile and performance tune embedded systems.

Debug and fix complex interaction bugs.



[iOS App Developer]



Develop Mobile App. (iOS)

Develop APIs

Design, implement, and integrate system software in embedded platforms.

Port and enhance third-party software.

Profile and performance tune embedded systems.

Debug and fix complex interaction bugs.

Create solid implementations and write clear, maintainable code and design documents for iOS



[FW Developer]



Develop FW for BLE, Zigbee, Z-Wave, WiFi Communication IOT Device

Develop MCU programs to extract meaningful data from sensor signals using basic simple signal processing.

Develop other IoT devices including the interfaces between telecommunication networks to IoT devices.

Develop OS & Driver, Middleware, MCU device SW

Embeded SW(C, C++, RTOS)

Design the protocol for inter-device communications.



[Medical Sensor Hardware Designer]



Develop Sensor System, the activities include select right sensor electrical spec, read/out front-end circuits, & readout sequence and hooking them up to ADC.

Design activities including the trade-off between power-consumption and sensor accuracy / responsiveness.



[Medical Sensor Signal Processing Analyst]



Will develop and test novel signal processing algorithms for extracting desired signals from complex sensor data. Responsibilities may include signal processing and data exploitation algorithm design, assessments of signal processing implementation alternatives, field testing and data collection, and data analysis and performance evaluation.




Additional Information

  급여조건: 회사내규에 따름 (면접 후 결정)

  4대보험 가입 : 국민연금, 고용보험, 산재보험, 건강보험

  5일근무, 연차

  보상제도: 퇴직금, 장기근속자 포상, 우수사원 표창/포상, 명절선물지급

  건강관리 지원: 건강검진 및 의료비 지원(연간 100만원 한도)

  생활편의 지원: 중식/석식제공

  경조사 지원: 각종 경조금, 경조휴가제

  교육 지원: 교육비 지원

  여가 지원: 사내 동호회 운영, 휴양시설 지원, 놀이공원 이용 지원, 각종 이벤트 진행, 삼성웰빙클럽

상조회(하나사우회) 운영


Guidelines for Applicants

당사 홈페이지 온라인 접수 (국문이력서/자기소개서) 또는 이메일 접수(국문 or 영문)

서류접수 기간: ~ 모집완료 시 까지

서류전형 -> 1차 면접 - > 2차 면접

각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후 제출

채용공고 링크 주소

https://hanamicron.jobagent.co.kr:4434/jobinfo/  접속 후

전문연구요원(병역특례)’ 공고로 지원

이메일 접수 시 ghcho@hanamicron.co.kr 로 송부


◆ 문의
 : 하나마이크론() 인사그룹 채용담당자

     041)539-6528  ghcho@hanamicron.co.kr

     041)539-1094  hjgu@hanamicron.co.kr


◆ 기타 유의사항

아래의 경우 합격 및 입사가 취소될 수 있음

  1) 병역을 회피한 이력이 있는 경우

  2) 입영 신체검사를 회피한 이력이 있는 경우

  3) 지원서 내용이 사실과 다른 경우