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Creating limitless possibilities through research and education

Call for Applications for Associate Director Positions of “Center for Plant Aging Research” in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

  • 홍인덕
  • 등록일 : 2016.02.24
  • 조회수 : 1119

공고기간2016.02.22 ~ 2016.04.06
IBS invites applications for the positions of Associate Directors who are senior-level researchers with high research potentials, running own research group in collaboration with the directors within their Research Centers

1. Introduction of the research center

- The overall goal of Center for Plant Aging Research is to gain insights into systems level understanding of senescence and cell-death from the perspective of a life-history strategy at molecular, cellular, intercellular, organ and organismal levels by taking systems approaches including genomics, proteomics and computational biology coupled with phenome, molecular imaging and chemical genetics.

- The center is establishing core technology units in cooperation with DGIST, focusing on the computational unit, super-resolution and sensitive imaging unit, chemical genetics unit, systems genetics unit, and phenome unit. All the core technology units will be world-class and world-leading operations.

- For more information (http://aging.ibs.re.kr)

2. Job description

- An outstanding scientist in the area of computational biology and multi-omics to decode spatiotemporal molecular networks along lifespan, to identify key regulatory elements in the networks underlying senescence and aging, such as regulatory molecules, motifs, pathways, and modules, as well as spatially-coded elements, and finally to map the regulatory elements into physiological functions.

- She/he will perform the following research : 1) generation of time-course multi-dimensional omics data of biological systems, including genomic (exosome-seq and various RNA-seqs, bisulfite-seq, and/or ChIP-seq), proteomic (protein expression and PTMs), and metabolic profiles; 2) identification of molecular signatures (genes, regulatory RNAs, proteins, PTMs, and/or metabolites) showing the alterations along the transition; 3) reconstruction of multilayered biological networks that delineate cellular processes undergoing the transitions through integration of molecular signatures from the multi-dimensional omics data; 4) identification of key regulatory elements (molecules, motifs, pathways, and modules) governing temporal transitions of cellular processes, which involves integration of the data from the other units in the Center; and 4) experimental validation of roles of these regulatory elements in defining temporal transition of cellular processes. Through these research activities, she/he will provide spatiotemporal multilayered networks and key regulatory mechanisms to the Center, which serve as a basis for research activities in the whole Center.

3. Requirements for the position

- All candidates must be able to commit themselves completely in the long-term to IBS research activities.

- All candidates must be able to manage their respective research groups.

- All candidates must be able to work closely with the director and to conduct various collaborative researches with the other units for the systems analysis of the topics covered by the other units.

4. Offer

- Research budget of approximately up to USD 1.5M per year. This includes usual facility operation, research, and technology development. Additional funding for the facility may be provided, when necessary.

- Annual salary in the range of USD 150,000 ? 200,000.

- Rent-free apartment housing; exclusive of utility bills.

- Medical insurance (A half is paid by the Institute).

- IBS is a governmental institute and the employee is expected to follow the rules of the Korean government.

- She/he will be at the same time employed as either tenure-track or tenured faculty in the Department of New Biology at DGIST, Republic of Korea. DGIST is a newly established research university supported by the Korean government and aims to be a world-premiere university in convergence science and technology.

5. General Selection Procedure

① Recruitment of applicants by public advertisement

② Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation

③ Symposium and in-depth interview by review panel

④ Decision by the SEC(Selection & Evaluation Committee) about recommendation

⑤ Negotiation with director

⑥ Appointment by the president

6. Application Submission

- Please fill out the ‘Application Form’ in English and email it as a single PDF file to adapply@ibs.re.kr no later than April 6th, 2016.

- E-mail title should include ‘Name of Applicant’ and ‘Name of the Research Center’

[ Contact Information ]

Hyojin CHOI, Research Evaluation Team

Division of Research Service

Institute for Basic Science

70, Yuseong-daero 1689-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 34047

Tel. No.: +82-42-878-8141

Fax No.: +82-42-878-8065

Email: hjchoi@ibs.re.kr

* For more information, please visit IBS website (www.ibs.re.kr).

7. Download link for ‘Application Form’
- www.ibs.re.kr/adapply
원문 URLwww.ibs.re.kr/prog/recruit/kor/sub04_01/view.do?pageIndex=1&searchCondition=&searchKeyword=&idx=427