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11월 26일 생명과학부 학부 세미나에서 이번 가을학기 생명과학부로 새로 부임하신 이선재 교수님의 세미나를 온.오프라인 병행 진행합니다.
이선재 교수님은 2015년 KAIST 바이오 및 뇌공학과에서 바이오 데이터 마이닝 분석을 주제로 박사학위를 받으시고, 스웨덴의 세계적인 시스템 생물학 선도 그룹인 Chalmers 공과대학 Systems & synthetic biology그룹 (PI: Jens Nielsen)과 Science for Life Laboratory 연구소 systems medicine 그룹 (PI: Adil Mardinoglu)에서 시스템 의학 (Systems medicine)연구에 관한post-doctoral training을 받으셨습니다. 2018년에는 King’s College London의 유명 마이크로바이옴 센터인 Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions (Founding director, S. Dusko Ehrlich)에서 샷건 메타지놈 빅데이터 프로젝트인 Human Gut Microbiome Atlas (HGMA)관련된 연구를 진행하셨습니다.
이번 세미나에서는 “Big Data, Big Challenges – future of human microbiome”을 주제로, 인체 마이크로바이옴 연구의 최신 동향과 빅데이타 연구 방법론 등에 관하여 발표하실 예정입니다.
관심있는 많은 재학생 및 교직원 여러분의 참석 부탁드립니다.
- 오프라인: 교원 및 학생(본인 연구분야와 밀접하게 관련된 자) 20명이내
* 장소: 죽현바이오홀(생명과학동 121호)
- 온라인: 학부세미나 수강자 및 관심있는 분 모두
Zoom ID: 315 451 8934 ( Password: 101320 )
No. 2020-10
Thursday 4:00 PM 26 November
This seminar will be held in the manner of online and offline both
Offline: Jukhyun Bio Auditorium (RM.121), Online: Zoom ID 315 451 8934 (Password: 101320)
Big Data, Big Challenges - future of human microbiome언어 : english
Human microbiome, our "second genome", was recently known to harbour more than 100 trillion cells,
which is ten times larger than human cells, and 10 million microbial genes, which is hundred times larger than human genes.
Such genetic diversity provides extensive biochemical repertoire that may benefit or harm host humans.
Recently, mounting evidence has suggested that the dysbiosis of human microbiome could lead to the disease pathogenesis, including neurological diseases.
On the other hand, human microbiome could be used as therapeutics of many diseases.
For example, faecal microbiota transplant has proven its therapeutic potentials in obesity, diarrhoea and inflammatory bowel diseases, and even the efficacy of immunotherapy.
To facilitate the understanding of human microbiome in health and disease, international consortiums have been initiated to generate massive amounts of human microbiome data, including Human Microbiome Project (HMP) consortium investing 170 million USD for the sequencing of 13,000 metagenomics samples.
Recently, millions of human microbiome project (MMHP) has been initiated, producing metagenomic data at tremendous scale.
Now human microbiome addressed the challenges of big data, but due to the lack of quantitative approaches and less developed bioinformatics tools, its mystery is poorly understood and biased on small number of observational studies.
In this seminar, the speaker will address the recent efforts of establishing reference of human microbiome and big data approaches for the identification of global microbiome signatures in health and disease.
In addition, based on state-of-art technique of metagenomics assembly, called metagenomic species pangenomes (MSP), many unculturable species were identified from metagenomics species, together with their functional capacities.
Lastly, the speaker would discuss the future of human microbiome for the advancement of healthcare sector, such as systems medicine.
광주과학기술원 생명과학부