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[언어교육센터] 2021 English Essay Contest

  • 정명하
  • 등록일 : 2021.03.17
  • 조회수 : 1012

TOPIC: Do grades encourage students to work harder in school? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
PRIZES: Samsung Galaxy Tab A7, Samsung Galaxy Buds Live, Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2, GOD JBL Pulse4 Bluetooth speaker
(1) Write an essay on the provided topic with appropriate support and detail.
   * Use the handout (attachment) to get started if you are not sure how to begin.
(2) Winners will be able to choose a prize from the provided items 
(3) Essays must be your original work which has not been published before or submitted as homework in any course.
(4) When you quote or refer to other people’s words or ideas, you must properly credit the source.
(5) All currently enrolled GIST students (undergraduate or graduate and international students from non-English speaking countries) can participate.
   * English speaking countries include Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK or the USA.
(6) If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact an LEC instructor.
(1) No more than 1200 words. 
(2) Students should not include their names in their entry, but should use their student number as their file title (e.g. 20195432.docx) (에세이 출품작 본문에 본인 정보 입력 금지, 파일명은 본인 학번으로 입력)
(3) Essays will be checked for plagiarism. Any students who plagiarize will be disqualified from this and future contests.
(1) Submit your completed essay to gistlec.essay@gmail.com with the subject line Essay Contest 2021(이메일 제목: Essay Contest 2021)
(2) Deadline: 2021 May 11th (Tuesday) 23:59 (late submissions will not be accepted).
(3) By entering this contest, participants give LEC permission to  post their work on various online platforms such as webpages for LEC, GIST, and GIST College as well as LEC’s Instagram and Facebook page.
(4) After the deadline, when all entries are received and catalogued by an LEC administrator, participants will receive an invitation to take part in a Google survey regarding the contest.  This survey invitation serves as confirmation that LEC received your essay.   If you submit your essay on time but do not receive a Google survey invitation within 24 hours of the deadline, contact the LEC.
Language Education Center, College B – 102, 062-715-3703

TOPIC: Do grades encourage students to work harder in school? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.   PRIZES: Samsung Galaxy Tab A7, Samsung Galaxy Buds Live, Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2, GOD JBL Pulse4 Bluetooth speaker

5102건 / 오늘 0
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