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SSOLLA 2022-Virtual(Summer School On Lasers and Laser Applications)

  • 김부경
  • 등록일 : 2022.05.11
  • 조회수 : 346

Dear GIST students and Global Interns,


Advanced Photonics Research Institute, APRI, is planning to virtually hold the 12th Summer School On Lasers and Laser Applications, SSOLLA 2022, as below,


Date: July 11(Monday) ~ July 13(Wednesday), 2022

Participants: Students and young scientists

Lectures: Refer to the attachment


Participants are international students and young research scientists who are interested in the field of laserand photonics welcome to join the program.


Participants in GIST Global Intern Program may join us.

For more information, please send an email.

(EMAIL: ssolla@gist.ac.kr)

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