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2nd CTI Tutorial

  • 차애경
  • 등록일 : 2007.12.04
  • 조회수 : 7666

                   2nd CTI Tutorial

- 일시 : 2007. 12. 06 (목) 오후 4시
- 장소 : 정보통신공학과 B동 203호
- 강연제목 : Biology(황정주), Singularity, Creativity(김준기)
- 연사 : 황정주 박사, 김준기 전무 (삼성종합기술원)
- 언어 : 영어
- 연락처 : 문화콘텐츠기술연구소 (내선 3162)

* When : 4:00pm, December 6(Thu), 2007
* Where : Room No. 203, Information & Communications Bldg. B 2nd floor
* Title : Biology / Singularity, Creativity
* Speaker : 
Jung-Joo Hwang, Ph.D. / Joonki Kim, Ph.D.
* Language : English
* Phone : Culture Technology Institute(3162)


In December, we will look into the major progressses in biology. As we discussed, Darwin, Wallace and Mendel started the modern biology and then, American biochemist and geneticist J Watson and British biophysicist F Crick has published one of the most famous Nature papers which decipher the structure of DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic code. After Boyer & Cohen has developed the recombinant DNA technology in 1973, some venture capitalists have found an opportunity to build biotechs such as Genentech and Amgen. Additionally Sanger"s DNA sequencing, Mullis’ PCR technology combined with information technology enabled to initiate the grand project of the twenty first century, "The Human Genome Project(HGP)." HGP was successfully carried out by governmental & industrial collaboration offering opportunity and hope to re-define the future of biology, medicine, food, and other biological technology.

For the second section, we will look into the future, and discuss 3 topics. Based on the book by Kurzweil, the first part is "Singularity" when transhumas could appear. The second part is "Forecasting the future" based on Paul Saffo"s work. The last part is "Creativity" which will be more important than ever before in the future that is becoming flatter every day.

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