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[Tutorial Announcement] 3rd GIST CTI Tutorial/CTI

  • 정창국
  • 등록일 : 2009.12.10
  • 조회수 : 5541

■ Theme : Computer Vision for 3D Tracking*
■ Date : January 11~ 22, 2010
■ Site : GIST IC Building B-203
■ Speaker : Vincent Lepetit 
        Computer Vision Laboratory ( CVLAB )
        Faculté Informatique et Communications ( I&C )
        Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ( EPFL )
        / Switzerland
 Vincent Lepetit received the engineering and master degrees in Computer Science from the ESIAL in 1996. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Vision in 2001 from the University of Nancy, France, after working in the ISA INRIA team. He then joined the Virtual Reality Lab at EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) as a post-doctoral fellow and became a founding member of the Computer Vision Laboratory.

■ Language : English
*Lecture : 5 Lectures on Computer Vision for 3D Tracking*
■  Lecture 1 : Camera Model and its parameters estimation (DLT, P3P, PnP)
■  Lecture 2 : Numerical Optimazation (Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt), and Robust Numerical Optimization, M-Estimators, RANSAC, ...)
■  Lecture 3 : Fiducial Detection, ARToolkit, Edge-Based Tracking, Active Shape Models and Active Appearance Models
■  Lecture 4 : Template Matching-Based Tracking (Lucas-Kanade, ESM), Feature Point-Based Tracking
■  Lecture 5 : The Human Visual Cortex, Feature Point Detection and Recognition (SIFT, SURF, Ferns)
■  Paper Review Class

■ More Information : http://uvr.gist.ac.kr/tutorial/index.htm
■ Registration : http://uvr.gist.ac.kr/tutorial/registration.htm
■ Contact : 062-970-3161, ckjeong@gist.ac.kr

5178건 / 오늘 0
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