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[LEC 2022 Fall] Short Story Contest Announcement(단편소설 공모전)

  • 최수인
  • 등록일 : 2022.09.28
  • 조회수 : 461

2022 Fall Short Story Contest

PRIZES: Samsung Galaxy Tab A8, Samsung Galaxy Watch 5, Hoverboard
  1. Write a fictional short story in the genre of your own choosing.
  2. Winners will be able to choose a prize from the provided items.
  3. Stories must be your original work which has not been published before or submitted previously as homework or a contest entry.
  4. When you quote or refer to other people’s words or ideas, you must properly credit the source.
  5. All currently enrolled GIST students (undergraduate or graduate and international students from non-English speaking countries) can participate.
* English speaking countries include Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the U.K. or the U.S.A.
  1. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact an LEC instructor or check out this Guide. (The guide is provided only to help with the writing process, but you are not required to follow the example structures given). Also, check out these sample short stories  for ideas and inspiration. * https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1ZVvRdpYUUfmpwUQ4E91KE4aY9bzDqhgJ
  2. In addition to the prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, all participants will receive a food gifticon.
  1. 5 pages minimum; 10 pages maximum
  2. Use double spacing. 12 point font.
  3. Students should not include their names in their entry, but should use their student number as their file title (e.g. 20195432.docx)
  4. Stories will be checked for plagiarism. Any students who plagiarize will be disqualified from this and future contests.
  1. Submit your completed essay using this Google form.   2022 Short Story Contest (google.com)   *https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIp5uXpbgYrbEs-5ASVlwprpePWwNpLslx2S2egqtWUZBEzA/viewform?usp=sharing
  2. Deadline: 2022 November 16th (Wednesday) 23:59 (late submissions will not be accepted).
  3. By entering this contest, participants give LEC permission to  post their work on various online platforms such as webpages for LEC, GIST, and GIST College as well as LEC’s Instagram and Facebook page.
  1. Winners will be contacted personally.
  2. Winning stories to be displayed on LEC website.
Language Education Center, College B – 102, 062-715-3703

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