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[RISE Seminar] 5.26(목) PM3:00, Prof. Shi-li Zhang (Uppsala University)

  • 김은혜
  • 등록일 : 2011.05.20
  • 조회수 : 4564

2011 RISE Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Energies Seminar

Speaker : Prof. Shi-Li Zhang

             Laboratory of Solid-state Electronics
                Uppsala University, Sweden


Title : Towards flexible electronics based on carbon nanosturtures

When : 2011. 5. 26(Thur.) PM. 3:00 - 5:00


Place : Dasan Building meeting room # 401


Language : English



Current research interests
(1) Advanced source/drain technology for nano-scale CMOS devices, in
particular low Schottky barrier contact using metal silicides and ultra-shallow junctions;
(2) Design, fabrication and characterization of novel devices based on nanowires and nanotubes
(1) Preparation and characterization of functional composites comprising carbon nanotubes and polymers;

(2) Molecular design as well as tool and process development for fabrication and characterization of printed electronics on flexible substrates
Bio and gas sensors:

Design, fabrication, modeling and characterization of bio and gas sensors through the combination of mature Si technology, carbon nanotubes and functional materials
Energy conversion and storage:

Design, fabrication, modeling and characterization of solar cells and mini-batteries through the combination of mature Si technology with functional materials

5168건 / 오늘 0
공지사항 - 번호, 제목, 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 첨부파일 정보제공
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