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[2012 Symposium] The 3rd SYMPOSIUM on Solar and Sustainable Energies

  • 하미리
  • 등록일 : 2012.05.01
  • 조회수 : 4094

We are very delightful to invite you to the 3rd RISE(Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Energies) Symposium on May 8, 2012.
Together with the Symposium, we are also excited to hold a construction completion ceremony of Renewable Energy Research Buildingat GIST.
It is a great pleasure to have leading scientists and engineers in the 3rd RISE Symposium and certainly you will find the Symposium an invaluable opportunity to share the frontier research and the idea in this fast-growing field of renewable energy.


We look forward to seeing you all at the 3rd RISE Symposium soon.


ㅁTitle : The 3rd SYMPOSIUM on Solar and Sustainable Energies

ㅁDate : 14:00~18:00,8th, May

ㅁPlace : A-115, GIST College

ㅁLanguage : English



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