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English Speech Clinic Instructor Opening, GIST College

  • 조동선
  • 등록일 : 2012.06.29
  • 조회수 : 4081

English Speech Clinic Instructor Opening

GIST College, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology



The School of General Studies, GIST College, is recruiting ONE native-speaker English speech clinic instructor for one year from September 2012 August through 2013.


- Native speaker of English

- MA (preferably in TESOL)

- Able to run an English Speech Clinic to help Korean students improve English pronunciation and fluency

Job Description
- Duration of contract: September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013 (renewable upon agreement)
- Location: GIST College, Oryong-dong, Bukgu, Gwangju, Korea 
- Monthly Salary: 2.6 million KRW (with overtime pay at 30,000 KRW per hour)

 (Salary can be commensurate with the applicant’s experience and exceptional qualifications.)

- Shared health insurance.

- Housing: A single dormitory room on the GIST campus
- Duties: 24 hours of one-on-one speech clinic per week during the regular semesters and full-time teaching during the 4-week intensive winter English camp in January-February 2013

- Students’ English levels: pre-intermediate to high intermediate    
- Airfare: Free round-trip air tickets for a visa run when necessary


Required Documents
- A resume with the applicant"s photo taken within six months
- A cover letter
- Copies of diplomas, certificates, and transcripts (BA and MA)
- A copy of the passport picture page and the alien registration card (if available)
- Two references (with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses included)
- Document(s) of criminal records check (for applicants who pass the interview)


Application Details
- Deadline: Friday, 13th July, 2012

- Email to tscho@gist.ac.kr: Resume, cover letter, and the scanned documents as required above   


Screening Process*
- Document screening notification: by Friday, 20th July, 2012
- Those who pass the document screening are subject to an interview and/or a short demo lesson.

- Final notification: by Friday, 10th August, 2012

* The notification schedule is subject to change as necessary.


For more information, contact Tongsun Cho (tscho@gist.ac.kr or Tel. 82 62 715 3604)

5168건 / 오늘 0
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