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[Counseling Center] Personality Tests for International Students

  • 박행자
  • 등록일 : 2023.03.24
  • 조회수 : 375

We conduct personality tests to help international students adapt to school life and understand themselves.
Please refer to the information below and participate a lot.

1. Who
- If you are a new students this semester, we will send the online code without applying on March 31.
- For other international students, we will send the online code to the person who apply.
(Application : https://forms.gle/Vr1xM2DxxTAusPyk9 (~3.30.Thu.)

2. Period for test : 3.31.(Fri.) ~ 4.7.(Fri.)

3. Method : Check the received online code -> Access the link and enter the code -> Check the results after complete all items

* Mobile coffee coupons will be sent to those who have completed the tests.
* The online code that has not been completed within the period will be deleted.
* Quentions : counseling@gist.ac.kr

5095건 / 오늘 0
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