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[IIT-BMSE Seminar] April 13(Thu.)16:00~/ Jaemyoung Suh, Ph.D.(KAIST)/ Dasan bldg. #109

  • 박민서
  • 등록일 : 2017.04.12
  • 조회수 : 3139

BMSE SEMINAR Thursday, April 13, 2017, 4:00 PM Dasan Bldg. 109 (1s‘ F loor) (Host: Prof Steve K. Chn / Language: Englixh) From Feast to Famine: Biology and Pharmacology of Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) Jaemyoung Suh, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Graduate School 0fMedical Science and Engineering, KAIST The ability to adapt to cycles offeast and famine is critical for survival. As part of a screen to identify genes that respond to feast and famine cues, we discovered that in white adipose tissue (WAT) PPAR}! induces FGFI in response to high-fat-diet (I-IFD) and it is repressed during a fast. Because FGFl- deiticient mice are normal, it was thought to be a nonessential gene. Hoxvever, on HFD, FGF1 deficient mice develop an aggressive diabetic phenotype, with adipose progressively becoming dysmorphic, fibrotic and necrotic and unable to adapt to nutrient stress. Thus, though seemingly dispensable under standard laboratory rearing conditions, within the context of feast and famine FGFI is critical for survival. We next explored the therapeutic potential of synthetic FGF1 in treating diabetic disease models. Surprisingly, we found FGF1 by simple injection restores insulin sensitivity in obese diabetic mice. This effect is rapid, robust, and without desensitization upon long—term administration. Studies 011 FGP1 derivatives reveal the structure—f'unctio11 space to be malleable and robust. Notably, we identified an N-terminal truncation of FGF1 in which ntitogenicity can be eliminated while retaining full glucose lowering action. Thus, ‘endocrinized’ FGFl is a potent metabolic regulator and shows promise as a new therapeutic modality in the management of Type II diabetes. Biography Dr. Suh is currently an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering at KAIST. He has worked on the development and function of adipose tissues in both vertebrate and invertebrate model systems. Recently, he has been focusing on nuclear receptor~growth factor axes in tissue homeostasis and metabolic flexibility. His overarching goal is to understand the complex response to nutrient fluctuation and identify new therapeutic opportunities to treat metabolic disease. Integrated Institute of Technology(IIT)/Deparment of Biomedical Science and Engineering(BMSE)

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