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[물리광과학과 워크샵] Workshop in Operando Science(4.26~28), 오룡관 101호

  • 박다빈
  • 등록일 : 2017.04.25
  • 조회수 : 4310


DATE: 2017.04.26.~28.


For more detailed information about the workshop, please refer to the schedule below.

April 26 (Wednesday)



14:00 ~ 15:30  Opening remark

                       Ki-Jeong Kim (PAL, Korea)

                       Introduction of the in situ Operando Science

                       at PAL and the status of APXPS beamline

                       Jean-Jacque Gallet (UPMC, France)

                       X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy in operando at the TEMPO beamline 

                       Fabrice Bournel (UPMC, France)

                      Ambient Pressure XPS at SOLEIL:

                      first results in the field of environmental chemistry

15:30 ~ 16:00  Coffee Break


16:00 ~ 18:00  Jean-Pascal Rueff (Soleil, France)

                       In Operando HAXPES at the GALAXIES beamline, SOLEIL Synchrotron

                       Beomgyun Jeong (KBSI, Korea)

                       Operando observation of Pd oxidation state at electrified solid-liquid interface

                       with ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

                       Marco Favaro (FHI-MPI, Germany)

                       Solid/Liquid Interfaces: a Playground for in-Situ Electron Spectroscopies


April 27 (Thursday)



9:30 ~ 10:50  Jeongyoung Park (KAIST, Korea)

                    Operando surface characterization of surface oxides,

                    surface segregation and reactivity on PtNi (111) and Ni (111) surfaces

                    at ambient pressure

                     Jongwoo Lim (SNU, Korea)

                     Origin and hysteresis of lithium compositional spatiodynamics

                     within battery primary particles revealed via operando x-ray microscopy


10:50 ~ 11:10  Coffee Break


11:10 ~ 12:30  Joon Hee Lee (UNIST, Korea)

                      Dynamically Induced Dipoles Enhance Photocatalytic Oxygen Evolution

                      on TiO2/Ferroelectric Heterostructures

                      Takuya Masuda (NIMS, Japan)

                      in situ study of electrochemical processes at electrode/electrolyte interfaces


13:30 ~ 15:30  Yves Garreau (Univ. Paris Diderot, France)

                       Structural evolution under gases of supported bimetallic nanoparticles

                       studied by grazing X-ray diffraction

                       Marie-Claire Saint-Lager (Institute Neel, France)

                       From x-ray to UV-Vis light scattering for Nano operando studies

                       Jehan Kim (PAL, Korea)

                       Instrument development to perform In-Situ GISAXS Experiments

                       on 3C SAXS1 Beamline of


15:30 ~ 15:50  Coffee Break


15:50 ~ 17:50  Seohyung Jang (Chungang Univ., Korea)

                      X-ray Studies of Functional Oxides for Energy Systems

                      Yvonne Soldo-Olivier (Institute Neel, France)

                      Plasmonic properties of metallic nanoparticles:

                      a promising way to enhance the photo-catalytic activity in the VIS range

                      Francisco J. Cadete Santos Aires (IRCELYON, France)

                      High spatial resolution studies of ceria and ceria based catalysts by aberration                                 corrected Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy



April 28 (Friday)



9:30 ~ 10:10   Yun Jeong Hwang (KIST, Korea)

                     Surface analysis of electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction to CO production


10:00 ~ 1100   Open discussion & Closing remark Simon Mun (GIST)

5178건 / 오늘 0
공지사항 - 번호, 제목, 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 첨부파일 정보제공
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 첨부파일
2613 제2학생회관 1층식당 휴업 안내(5.1.~5.14.) 주용구 2017-04-28 4812
2612 [언어교육센터] 2017 봄학기 이공계 논문쓰기 작성법 특강(총 4회) 정명하 2017-04-27 3962
2611 2017 ACC 차세대 문화 포럼 참가자 모집 전체관리자 2017-04-27 3312 첨부파일 다운로드
2610 [IIT-SIT Seminar] 4/28(Fri.14:30~)/ Sungchul Kang, Ph.D(KIST)/ Rise bldg. #105 이지혜 2017-04-26 3333 첨부파일 다운로드
2609 [국방기술품질원] 2017년 국방벤처 아이디어 경진대회 안내 박재홍 2017-04-25 3757 첨부파일 다운로드
열람중 [물리광과학과 워크샵] Workshop in Operando Science(4.26~28), 오룡관 101호 박다빈 2017-04-25 4311 첨부파일 다운로드
2607 [SESE Seminar] 04.27.(Thu.) 16:00~ /Dr. Hur, Jin 김근영 2017-04-25 3382
2606 [물리광과학과 Colloquium] 4.26.(WED). 16:30~/ Prof. Sungmo Kang(Chonnam National University) 박다빈 2017-04-24 4177 첨부파일 다운로드
2605 [ME Seminar] 2:00 PM, May 10(Wed.), SNUMAX – 종이접기 구조를 활용한 로봇 메커니즘 설계 김수연 2017-04-24 3517 첨부파일 다운로드
2604 [IIT-BMSE Seminar] April 28(Fri.)14:30~/ Il-Joo Cho, Ph.D.(KIST)/ Dasan bldg. #109 박민서 2017-04-24 2934
2603 [언어교육센터] 영어워크숍(6차): "Pronunciation" 정명하 2017-04-24 3304
2602 [언어교육센터] 2017 Spring Essay Contest 정명하 2017-04-24 3109
2601 [화학과 Seminar] 04.27. (Thu.) 16:00 / Prof. Yong-Ill Lee (Changwon University) 김은화 2017-04-24 3489 첨부파일 다운로드
2600 [GIST대학] 4/27(목) 전공세미나 / (주) 대웅제약 한용해 본부장 / 글로벌 시장 진출을 위한 한국의 신약개발 김미애 2017-04-21 3063
2599 [창업진흥센터] 2017 GIST 창업아이디어경진대회 백기주 2017-04-21 5168 첨부파일 다운로드