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[IIT-BMSE Seminar] April 14(Fri.)14:30~/ Yong Jin Kim, MD Ph.D.(Guro Hospital, Korea Univ.)/ Dasan bldg. #109

  • 박민서
  • 등록일 : 2017.04.12
  • 조회수 : 3174

BMSE SEMINAR Friday, Aprill 14, 2017, 2:30 P.M. Dasan bldg. 109(1st Floor) (host:Prof. Lee, Boreom / Language:Korean) 조직공학의 산부인과적 활용 Kim, Yong Jin MD/Ph.D. Guro Hospital, Korean Univ In fields of gyneocology, the is a growing interest in the development of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine approaches for the treatment of a variety of diseases of the female reproductive system. The approaches have included regenerative, replacement and/or tissue engineering techniques for various organs and tissues of the reproductive system including the vagina, the uterus, and the ovary. Up to date, synthetic material for surgical reconstruction of gynecologic organ, success of transpalantation of human uterus for infertile patients in gynecological field. Regarding the progress in the artificial reproductive therapy, reptoductive bioscience has opened a new window in the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering fordesigning and development of artificial or bioengineered reproductive tissues. Based on the currebt knowledge if tussye engineering in gynecologic fuekd, new horizons can be explored fir women's health in the future. Biography Dr. Kim is currently a clinical associate professor at department of obstetrics and gynecology, korea university College of Medicine(KUMC). Since2012 at Korea University Guro Hospital, he hasbeen working as a clinician of infertility center, division of reproductive endocrinology and a researcher on in vitro model if reproductive system. Integrated Institute of Technology (IIT) Department of Biomedical Seience and Engineering(BMSE)

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