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[의생명공학과] BMSE Seminar, March 30 (PM.2:30~) ,Prof. Jaekyung Kim / Dasan bldg.#109

  • 천애란
  • 등록일 : 2018.03.26
  • 조회수 : 3501


Friday, March 30, 2018, 2:30 P.M Dasan bldg.109(1st Floor) (Host:Prof.Kim, Tae / Language:English) 

How to make a successful collaboration between mathematicians and biologists Jaekyung Kim,PhD KAIST

The revolution of molecular biology in the early 1980s has revealed complex biochemical interactions underlying biological systems. To understand this complex system, collaborations between biologists and mathematician have played important roles. The collaboration, however, is not always successful, and it is even difficult to resume or maintain the collaboration. In this talk, I will share my experience of successful collaboration involving various puzzles of circadian(~24hr) rhythms, including 60 years old one. Specifically, I will present how the combination of mathematical modeling and experiments have successfully identified molecular mechanisms underlying robust circadian timekeeping, circadian regulation of disease(e.g.Cancer)and a new drug development


Jae Kyoung Kim is an assistant professor in Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST. He got his Ph.D. in Applied & Interdisciplinary Mathematics at University of Michian under the direction of Daniel Forger, Victoria Booth and Trachette Jackson. He was a postdoctorl fellow in the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at the Ohio State University. He has also combined nonlinear dynamics, the theory of stochastic processes, and scientific computing to solve critical biological problems and develop a new drug in a joint effort with more than 10 experimental labs. This approach allowed him to determine how complex biochemical networks generate oscillations and regulate their periods in the face of various external perturbations including temperature changes. This ghas been a mystery despite 60 year effort of biologists. His long term collaboration with Pfizer Inc is a model of how mathematics can be used in pharmaceutical industry. He is a recipient of Human Frontior Science Program Young Investigator Award and is a Fellow of POSCO TJ Park Foundation. He is a recipient of Young Researcher Award from Korea Society of Industrial Applied Math, Sangsan Young Mathematicial Award from Korea Math Society and 30 Young Scientists of Korea Awrd form Donga Daily and POSTEC.

Integrated Institute of Technology(IIT) / Department of Biomedical Science and Engineering (BMSE)


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