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Professor Sung Chan Jun's research team used brain diagrams to index brain activities in voice conversations between remote people

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.12.24
  • HIT : 1491

Professor Sung Chan Jun's research team used brain diagrams to index brain activities in voice conversations between remote people

A methodology has been proposed that uses high-resolution time-resolution brain imaging techniques, mainly used for disease diagnosis and brain science fields, in social neuroscience research to study human interaction.

Professor Sung Chan Jun of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Seung Hyeon Moon) has proposed a methodology for monitoring and analyzing human interaction with brain imaging technology using MEG * between two people in Seoul and Daejeon at a distance of about 150 km.

* Magentoencephalography (MEG): A technique to measure the magnetic field generated in the head using an ultra-precise magnetic sensor using quantum phenomenon outside the head. In Korea, there are two brain gait devices developed by Korea Standard Research Institute with unique technology installed in Seoul and Daejeon.

Recently, social neuroscience, which mainly studies interactions among people, has been developed into a multidisciplinary field by combining it with brain imaging, such as Emacs and fNIRS. Major equipment such as fMRI or PET is also used for interaction studies.

Electroencephalogram * has excellent time resolution, but its spatial resolution is low, and there are some limitations in extraction of high frequency information over 30Hz due to noise. Other brain imaging equipment have difficulty in tracking information changes in the rapidly changing brain due to time resolution. Therefore, this research team proposed a methodology to utilize brain diagrams for research.

* Electroencephalography (EEG): A technique to measure the distribution of electricity in the head through electrodes attached to the head.

The research team was made by members of the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science and experimented with human interactions using two brain metaphor devices installed at Yonsei Hospital and the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science.

A specially designed earphone and a microphone were used to design an experiment in which the numbers between two subjects at a distance were alternately counted, and the brain information of the two subjects was measured. Researchers measured the interaction brain data and found an increase in gamma wave not only in the reduction of ALPHA (same as the result of a brain waveguide study) but also in the activation of high cognitive function. In particular, gamma waves increases in the frontal and left temporal regions of the brain.

The researchers used human brain technology to study human interaction, and the role of gamma wave, which was not found in the EEG, was newly discovered through brain diagram.

Professor Sung Chan Jun said, "This study demonstrates the value of using neurophysiological techniques in social neuroscience research and is expected to contribute to the understanding of neurophysiology and fundamental functional mechanisms of human interaction."

This research was conducted jointly with the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Yonsei Hospital (Professor Jin Woo Chang) and Catholic Kwandong University (Professor Bong Soo Kim). Their paper entitled "Interbrain phase synchronization during turn-taking verbal interaction—a hyperscanning study using simultaneous EEG/MEG" was published on October 11, 2017, in Human Brain Mapping, and theThe research was supported by the Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion.