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[Press Release] Professor Woo Keun Song"s research paper is recognized by the Faculty of 1000

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2017.02.06
  • HIT : 839

Professor Woo Keun Song"s research paper is recognized by the Faculty of 1000


□ Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) Professor Woo Keun Song"s research paper was recently selected as a recommended paper by Faculty of 1000, the UK"s best online research system.

  ∘ "Faculty of 1000" noted, "Professor Song"s paper on actin filament disintegration in hippocampal neurons has contributed to the identification of the mechanism of regulation of dendritic, glaucoma-mediated syndrome."

In the paper (June 2013) published in the Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences journal, which is a specialized journal of life sciences, Professor Song (corresponding author) and Dr. In Ha Cho (first author) demonstrated that dephosphorylase STEP in cells induces dephosphorylation of SPIN90 protein, which leads to the disruption of actin filaments by cofilin.

  The study is significant because the protein SPIN90 plays an important role in regulating the dendritic state of hippocampal neurons and that SPIN90 is an important regulator of dendritic contraction through actin reconstruction.

  ∘ Professor Song, who has been invited to the "Bio Optical Image Center," has been selected as a "Researcher Support Project for Senior Researchers" by the National Research Foundation in May 2014 and has been conducting active research in the field of cell biology, such as early diagnosis of dementia and cancer metastasis.

□ "Faculty of 1000" selects the top 2% of the most influential published papers on a monthly basis after evaluation by over 8000 world-renowned experts in the field of biology and medicine.