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[Press Release] GIST establishes Amano Advanced LED Research Center with Nobel laureate

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2016.11.04
  • HIT : 815

GIST establishes Amano Advanced LED
Research Center with Nobel laureate


The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) has established the Amano Center for Advanced LEDs with Professor Hiroshi Amano of Nagoya University who was the recipient of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics along with two other Japanese scientists for their invention of the blue light emitting diode (LED), which is an energy efficient and environmentally friendly light source that allowed for the development of the white LED that is four times more efficient than fluorescent lights.

The opening ceremony for the new center was held on November 3, 2016, at the GIST Renewable Energy Research Building and was attended by 30 people, including Professor Hiroshi Amano and GIST President Seung Hyeon Moon.

(From left) Nobel Laureate Amano Hiroshi, President Seung Hyeon Moon, and Professor Dong-Seon Lee

Professor Amano Hiroshi shares a connection to GIST through his postdoctoral researcher Dr. Sangyoung Bae who had received his Ph.D. at GIST under the guidance of Professor Dong-Seon Lee of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science where the two of them had been conducting joint research on LEDs and solar cells with nanostructures.

Then in 2012, prior to winning the Nobel Prize, Professor Hiroshi gave a keynote address at GIST and, upon visiting the public display area of the GIST Nobel Center, said, "I hope to receive the Nobel Prize for the blue LED and display it here."

The Amano Advanced LED Research Center will develop new technologies in the fields of nano-structured LEDs, flexible LEDs, and nano-membrane heterojunction electronic devices with superior efficiency and performance over existing devices. In addition, Nagoya University and GIST will organize alternating workshops every year to share their research achievements and find better research directions.


After the opening ceremony for the Amano Advanced LED Research Center, Professor Hiroshi gave a lecture at GIST entitled "Future Electronics Technology for the Implementation of a Sustainable Smart Society and Blue and Core Ultraviolet LED."

GIST President Seung Hyeon Moon said, "This joint research center with a Nobel Prize winner will not only help GIST professors and students gain practical research experience through extensive cooperation, but it also provide them with an excellent opportunity to develop better technical experience and attitude as researchers."