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[Press Release] GIST Science School surpasses 100 lectures

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2016.10.28
  • HIT : 726

GIST Science School surpasses 100 lectures
"100 Lectures equals 20,000 Dreams!"


The GIST Science School began providing lectures to the local community since 2008, and it has just reached a milestone of providing 100 lectures that has touched the live and affected the dreams of some 20,000 who have benefited from the lectures.

The GIST Science School has been providing lectures during the semester on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm to local youths and community members. This program is meant to help the public gain a better understanding and appreciation of science as well as GIST.

In honor of the milestone achievement of providing 100 lectures, the GIST Science school held a special 100th lecture on October 27, 2016, that was given by Dr. Younsuk Chae who is a space and rocket expert with the Korean Aerospace Research Institute. Dr. Chae has been a pioneer in domestic space development and the development of the Naro-1 rocket.

Dr. Chae"s lecture focused on the history and development of Korea"s rocket development program, tracing the root back to the Joseon Dynasty and advances made under the reign of King Sejong in the 15th century.

GIST President Seung Hyeon Moon said, "The GIST Science School has given the local community 100 lectures now, and this is an important accomplishment for GIST as we strive to inspire the youth of Korea to pursue a scientific career while providing them with the best environment to help them achieve their dreams."