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[Press release] Professor Wook Sun of Seoul National University gives a lecture on happiness at GIST College

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2016.10.17
  • HIT : 721

Professor Wook Sun of Seoul National University

gives a lecture on happiness at GIST College


On October 6, 2016, over 150 undergraduates listened to Professor Wook Sun of Seoul National University gives a lecture on happiness at GIST College. The title of the special lecture was: "Success First? Happiness First?"

Professor Wook Sun has had a long and successful career that included serving as Samsung"s Human Resource Development Director and various other positions with other companies, and he is now involved in a private organization to promote happiness.

The special lecture series is part of a GIST initiative to invite various experts and specialists to give lectures at GIST College to help enrich the students" educational perspectives.