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[Press release] Distinguished Professor Yong-Tak Lee donates 10 million won to the GIST Development Fund during his retirement ceremony

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2016.08.29
  • HIT : 747

Distinguished Professor Yong-Tak Lee donates 10 million won
to the GIST Development Fund during his retirement ceremony


Professor Yong-Tak Lee is a distinguished professor with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) where he has made significant contributions to optoelectronics, optical interconnections, and nanoscale photonics for the past 22 years. And now, Professor Lee will be retiring from GIST.

On August 29, 2016, in a retirement ceremony that was attended by over 100 people, Professor Lee made yet another significant contribution towards the advancement of science by donating 10 million won to the GIST Development Fund. Professor Lee"s generous donation will be used to endow a scholarship for students enrolled in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This will be the third time that a GIST professor has donated specifically to this scholarship fund.

GIST was established in 1993, and Professor Lee has been with GIST since June of 1994. He has made many significant contributions to GIST over the years and has served in many key positions, such as the Dean of the School of Information and Communication and as Director of the Advanced Photonics Research Institute. Over his long and distinguished career, Professor Lee has won many awards and has published 204 SCI papers, presented 366 papers at conferences, and has 63 registered patents. He has also successfully supervised the graduation requirements for 19 students with doctoral degrees and 69 students with master"s degrees.

Distinguished Professor Lee said, "Having served as an associate professor from the early days of GIST"s founding, I will now leave GIST while cherishing all of the memories and dreams that I have shared with my colleagues and students. My long tenure here has given birth for my love of GIST, and I hope that my donation will help make GIST a better school for students who have the dream and aspiration to become great scientists."