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[Press Release] GIST and Uganda to collaborate on environmental and climate change technologies

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2016.06.17
  • HIT : 710

GIST and Uganda to collaborate on
environmental and climate change technologies


GIST President Seung Hyeon Moon signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Makerere University, which is located in Uganda, while he was visiting Africa with Korean President Geun-hye Park’s party on May 30, 2016.

The ceremony was held with 20 participants, including Makerere University President Ezra Suruma. The students and faculty from the two schools will collaborate on the environment, education, and climate change research.

GIST plans to identify environmental issues affecting Uganda and will help find technical and non-technical solution. Educating and training will also be provided to government administrators who have bachelor degrees so that they can better assist with the management and monitoring of Uganda"s water resources.

Makerere University was established in 1922, and it is the top university in Uganda with some 40,000 students. The school represents the entire Africa continent and had produced various African leaders, such as Ugandan President Milton Obote and Mwai Kibaki and a former President of Kenya.

President Moon said, “Makerere University has taken great strides to collaborate with Korea. For example, they have been offering Korean language classes to their student. With the help of this MoU, we hope—and expect—to share our technical experience in managing water resources and in helping to develop Uganda"s expertise in science, technology, and the environment.”