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Woo-rim Choi receives 2017 Soon-Sum Scholarship

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2017.01.10
  • HIT : 934

Woo-rim Choi receives 2017 Soon-Seom Scholarship


□ GIST Ph.D. candidate Woo-rim Choi receives 2017 Soon-Sum Scholarship, which was created by the GIST Development Fund.
  ∘ GIST held the "Third Soon-Seom Scholarship Funding Ceremony" at 10:00 am on Jan. 9, 2017, and gave a scholarship of 1 million won to Woo-rim Choi.
□ The Soon-Seom Scholarship Fund donated 100 million won to GIST in 2014 to honor the spirit of the donator"s mother, Soon-Seom Lee, who has been devoted to education for children even during times of difficult economic hardships.
  ∘ GIST selects students for scholarship every year to coincide with the birth date of the mother on January 9, according to the wishes of the donor.
□ Woo-rim Choi received the Best Prize in the Jeonbuk Province Inventive Idea Competition, the GIST Mechatronics Project, and  the excellent teaching assistant prize from the General Studies Division. He has also submitted one domestic patent application and one overseas patent application. In addition, he established "Sunvolution," a business startup club, and won silver and bronze medals at "Gwangju, Jeonnam Science and Technology Idea Competition" and contributed the proceeds to the development fund.


∘ Woo-rim Choi wrote a thank you letter to the scholarship fund: "I think engineering is one of the ways that human beings can become happier. I will try to make our country more advanced and to walk the engineering path that will make many people happy."
□ GIST President Seung Hyeon Moon said, "Because of donor"s noble intentions, the Soon-Seom Scholarship recipients are selected not only based on their grades but on their creative spirit and personality as well. They will become more capable researchers who will earnestly strive to solve local as well as global problems."