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GIST Ph.D. candidate Chang-ryul Lee earns Bronze Award in the 22nd HumanTech Paper Award contest sponsored by Samsung Electronics

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2016.02.11
  • HIT : 1397

GIST Ph.D. candidate Chang-ryul Lee earns Bronze Award in the

22nd HumanTech Paper Award contest sponsored by Samsung Electronics


GIST Ph.D. candidate Chang-ryul Lee of the School of Information and Communications (advisor Professor Kuk-Jin Yoon) earned a Bronze Award in the 22nd HumanTech Paper Award contest that was sponsored by Samsung Electronics.


The title of Chang-ryul Lee"s paper was "Exploiting Feature Confidence for Forward Motion Estimation," and his paper proposed a new motion estimation method for autonomous vehicles that uses cameras and inertial sensors to analyze and improve the navigational accuracy of the vehicle"s position and route vis-à-vis real world conditions.


Chang-ryul Lee"s paper paper received high praise from the judges, and he received 5,000,000 won for his award-winning paper.