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[Important Notice] Policy Change in an application for your visa documents

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2015.09.08
  • HIT : 693

Dear International Students,


This email is to inform you that there will be a policy change in providing documents regarding your visa application/extension/status change.


This change was made in order to effectively process increasing applications and to provide documents on time without any delays and waiting time in our office.


Please make sure that you need to follow the instructions mentioned below;


1.      Your application for issuing a financial support letter and a residence certificate shall be made via email.  (hojongk@gist.ac.kr)

2.      Your application shall be made no less than two working days prior to the date that you prefer to pick a document at the Section of Academic and Students Affairs.  

3.      In your application for a residence certificate, you are asked to provide information of your family member(s) including a name, nationality, family relations, sex, and date of birth.

4.      If you are not a scholarship recipient due to your enrollment periods, please visit your department/school academic coordinator to ask an evidence of your financial support other than a scholarship.


The following is the example of your application.

1.      Name:

2.      Student ID number:

3.      Name of certificate: Financial Support Letter & Residence Certificate

4.      Family information (If applicable)




Date of Birth
















Please be noted that this policy will enter into force from September 14.


I would like you to visit the Section of Academic and Students Affairs two working days after your application was made.


I really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Student Records Officer

Section of Academic and Student Affairs