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GIST Excellence

Prof. Sun Kyu Lee Takes Helm of KSPE

  • 정명식
  • REG_DATE : 2015.01.07
  • HIT : 1026

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Professor Sun Kyu Lee of GIST School of Mechatronics took office as the 20th president of Korean Society for Precision Engineering (KSPE) on January 2 for a one-year term. Founded in 1984, KSPE is the largest academic association of precision engineers in Korea, with over 2,500 active individual and corporate members.


Professor Lee has served as a KSPE director, vice president, and head vice president; editor-in-chief of KSPE Journal; an operating committee member of ASPEN (Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology); an organizing committee member of ISGMA (International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications); an editorial board member of IJPEM (International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing) etc.


Professor Lee received his Ph.D. degree from Tokyo University of Japan and has been on the faculty of GIST School of Mechatronics since 1994. He also served as the inaugural director of GIST Technology Institute, which was founded in 2005 to promote technology commercialization.