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GIST Excellence

GIST Ph.D. Graduates Publish Average 8.15 SCI Papers

  • 정명식
  • REG_DATE : 2014.08.26
  • HIT : 1308

GIST held its Summer 2014 Commencement Ceremony on Monday, August 25 in Oryong Hall and conferred a total of 105 academic degrees—26 doctoral, 73 master’s and 6 bachelor’s. The ceremony was attended by over 400 students and parents.



According to the latest official tally, the 26 Ph.D. graduates while in GIST published a whopping 8.15 papers on the average on SCI-listed journals, including 3.23 papers as the first author and 4.92 papers as a co-author.


Dr. Kim, Dong-yoon graduating from School of Materials Science and Engineering published 33 papers (8 as first author and 25 as co-author) while in GIST. After earning his master’s degree also at GIST in February 2009, Dr. Kim has conducted research in the field of printable electronics as a member of the Photonics Polymer Lab led by Prof. Kim, Dong-Yu.


At the ceremony, research excellence awards were given to Dr. Kim, Dong-yoon and 5 other graduates—Dr. Yeo, Chan-il of School of Information and Communications (Advisor: Prof. Lee, Yong-Tak), Dr. Kang, Woong of School of Mechatronics (Advisor: Prof. Kim, Kang Wook), Dr. Jeong, Beom-gyun of School of Environmental Science and Engineering (Advisor: Prof. Lee, Jaeyoung), Dr. Kim, Hyeong-joon of School of Life Sciences (Advisor: Prof. Kim, Yong-Chul), and Dr. Lee, Sang-cheol of Department of Nanobio Materials and Electronics (Advisor: Prof. Lee, Byoung Hun).


In addition, Mr. Lee, Je-hong, a master’s graduate from School of Mechatronics (Advisor: Prof. Lee, Jong Ho) was given a special award in recognition of his activities as an e-Mentor for prospective graduate students.


In his commencement address, GIST President Young Joon Kim said, “GIST graduates have received abundant support from the people of the nation. As such, GIST graduates should strive not only to work hard on research but also to do their best in fulfilling their broader social duties.”