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A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST

GIST Excellence

National Science High School Principals" Meeting

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.12.07
  • HIT : 812


National Science High School Principals" Meeting

- Presents the GIST Undergraduate School"s philosophy and construction progress

The group of 18 science high schools nationwide, participating in the event held at 14:30 on Thursday December 1 in the new GIST Undergraduate School Building A-115, showed their keen interests in GIST"s newly established undergraduate curriculum and up-to-the-minute facilities. 

GIST Vice-president Yeongjun Kim affirmed his confidence in the undergraduate course: "The GIST Undergraduate School has been established based on the GIST"s rigid research accomplishments obtained in the last 18 years. Therefore, I am very confident that it will advance as one of the top science and engineering universities not only in Korea but also in the world."