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GIST Excellence

GIST strengthened exchange with major universities of the world

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.11.24
  • HIT : 798

GIST strengthened exchange with major universities of the world

aimed at nurturing global talent and becoming a world class university.



Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST, president Jungho Sonu) announced that it has reached an MOU for joint researches and student exchange with University of Texas at Dallas(President David Daniel) on November 15. UTD is a prestigious university with 50 years of history and tradition in Southern US. For the signing of of the MOU, the president David Daniel of UTD visited the GIST in person.


On the same day, GIST also invited a professor of The University of California, Santa Cruz and a former president of The University of California, Merced to discuss ways for promoting exchange and give GIST students opportunity to listen to his special lecture.