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A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST

GIST Excellence

Abundant cultural festivals in this autumn evenings

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.09.29
  • HIT : 784


Abundant cultural festivals held by GIST in this autumn evenings, season of abundance.

- "Hakmun Waekwa(proctological surgery)" describes "the unspeakable pain" in a   humorous way. 

- Piastra"s performance reinterprets orchestral works into a music of piano.

- High-class cultural performance wins hearts of people of Gwangju.


In this autumn when every tree bears fruits, GIST holds events of magnificent arts and culture.

On Sept. 30, a theater company, Creative Drama(CEO: Hang-won Lee) invited by GIST will stage a play titled "Hakmunwaekwa(proctological surgery)." Also, on Oct. 6, the university invites Pastra(As a compound word of "piano" and "orchestra," Pastra, an ensemble consisting of pianists active in Gwangju and Jeonnam,  expresses both delicateness of piano melody and grandiosity of orchestra.),  to stage a piano concert under the them of "Art Comes to Meet Science."

Hong-kook Kim, director of International and Public Affairs, said that GIST prepares a new genre of cultural event every year. "This year"s event features Jazz orchestra, creative play, and piano concert. the school is preparing a concert of vocal music for the coming winter." He added "I hope people will come and enjoy the cultural events that GIST prepared."

Marking its third year, the GIST cultural festival is warmly welcomed by the people of Gwangju, with its small but high quality events suitable for the characteristics of cultural city of Gwangju.