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GIST Excellence

Surfing the vacation away in labs!

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.09.21
  • HIT : 1103


Surfing the vacation away in labs! (2011, the first G-SURF was held)

GIST(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, President Jung-ho Sonu), renowned as a cradle for talents in science and technology, held G-SURF(GIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) for about eight weeks during summer vacation from June 27th to August 26th.


In 2o11 world university evaluation conducted by QS, a british college-evaluating agency , GIST ranked world"s 12th and No.1 in Asia in terms of the number of citation per faculty member.

Total 57 undergraduate students from department of general studies and 44 graduate students and faculty members of the department of general studies, selected through a fixed procedure, participated in the first-ever G-SURF.


Two undergraduate students were assigned to each laboratory of five departments of the graduate school (School of Information and Communications, Department of Nanobio Materials and Electronics, School of Mechatronics,  School of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Life Sciences) and conducted research. All of them were obliged to submit research report and abstract and make a presentation of posters at the end of the program.


Sung-bae Lee, professor of the department of general studies and the director of G-SURF, said "Even though the period was too short to complete a research project, all the participating students did their best and had a good opportunity to realizing their dream to become a creative scientists in the future.