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GIST Excellence

GIST will be promoted to be the global leading R&D university.

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.07.19
  • HIT : 1315


GIST will be promoted to be the global leading R&D university.

 - GIST is concentrating on the areas of laser, next generation solar cells and environment. 



Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Jungho Sonu) is promoting specialization to become the global leading R&D university in the world. On 15th of this month, Joo-ho Lee, the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, announced that the Ministry would establish and implement "the policy for the specialization of universities of science and technology and its development" in alliance with GIST, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (D GIST) and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). 

Bong-Ryull Yang, the vice president of public affairs of GIST said, "GIST is focusing on the areas of laser, next generation solar cells, environment and photonics. In order to systematically organize thirty convergence research centers, which are currently operating in GIST, GIST will establish GIST global research institute (GGRI) and reduced the thirty R&D areas to six.". Furthermore, he added, "GIST will expand the Nobel prized research center in which R&D is conducted based on the Nobel prize winners from three to five."   

KAIST plans to focus on the areas of future source technology including "the areas of sustainable green growth R&D" (EEWS: Energy, Environment, Water, and Substantiality) and DGIST is aiming to develop brain science, new materials and IT based medical robots and smart sensors. UNIST is expected to concentrate on the development of new materials such as secondary battery or graphene. KAIST will intensively study the research areas of market creation and future source technologies including sustainable green growth research, in other words, EWS (Energy, Environment, Water, Substantiality).

First of all, the base to foster world - class human resources in science and technology will be established. GIST is aiming to create more synergy of the convergence science, technology and education by linking science high schools  & science academy to science universities and to designate and implement "the training center for cutting-edge science teachers in alliance with STEAM (Sceince, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics), the education system for excellent elementary and middle school students. GIST plan to establish the system to attract more overseas scholars and excellent foreign professors and to reinforce the convergence education.  It also plans to establish the environment in which star scientists are cultivated. In addition, GIST will develop national new growth engine and intensively promote the areas of national future source R&D such as national or regional strategic technology. GIST plans to activate the convergence study by linking Institute of basic science research group to campus.

Furthermore, the cooperation system between industry and university of science and technology will be established. The university of science and technology will create "Development council of the university of science and technology" on the vice chair level to cooperate each other in admitting credits through student exchange, in exchanging professors and researchers and in jointly using research facilities. 

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will design "TFT for the specialization of university of science and technology" working with the university of science and technology to prepare the detailed plans and regularly examine the improvement of systems in universities and business plans.