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GIST, Recently Selected as a University to Perform a Number of Government-sponsored Technology Licensing Projects

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.06.15
  • HIT : 1094


GIST, Recently Selected as a University to Perform a Number of Government-sponsored Technology Licensing Projects

- Rated A to Support Technology Licensing Office(TLO)

- Only University to be Selected to join the project to utilize technologies owned by public organizations.

GIST(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, President Jung-Ho, SONU) demonstrates its excellence by being selected as a university to perform technology licensing support project sponsored by the government.

GIST Technology Institute(GTI, Director S대ng-Ju, Park) has been performing the second phase(2011~2015) of the Technology Licensing Office(TLO) support project sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy since May after being selected as top 5 university in Korea(grade A).(The project cost for the first year was 300 million won.)

※ The Technology Licensing Office(TLO) support project is to provide cost on labor and technology licensing by selecting technology licensing office of a university to promote technology licensing between a university and a company. This project is supported jointly by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.

Director Seong-Ju, Park(GIST Technology Institute) said "GIST earned more than 2.1 billion won for technology licensing in 2010 through the first phase project, which started in 2006. This amount is more than 4 times compared to that of 2006." He added "based on the outstanding performance of the first phase, we will accelerate our effort to promote technology licensing in the second phase so that we can make a virtuous circle of applying technology to business by  nurturing experts in TLO and making them more experienced."

In the meantime, GIST is the only university to perform the project, which is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Korean Intellectual Property Office to utilize technologies owned by public organizations and it will receive 1 million won from this June for 7 months for this project.

※ The project to utilize technologies owned by public organizations is led by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Korean Intellectual Property Office. The purpose of the project is to come up with ways to link technologies owned by universities, government-sponsored research institutes and public research institutes to business. 300 million won will be offered to three organizations(GIST, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology) for the pilot project of this year.

GIST plans to perform identification, evaluation and marketing activities actively to improve the value of technology and maximize the availability of the technology by establishing portfolio of core Smart Phone technology with Chonnam National University and Chonbuk National University, which are joint participating organizations.

Gui-Tae, Rye(Head of the Technology Licensing Team, GIST Technology Institute) said that this project will expand the utilization of technologies owned by GIST and other participating institutions and will be an opportunity for many domestic companies to have a new successful business model." "We will make an effort to increase the competitiveness of domestic companies against the patent litigations and attacks from foreign companies," he added.