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GIST Excellence

Forcing the promotion for the International Science & Business Belt (ISBB) to be located in Gwangju

  • 이시온
  • REG_DATE : 2011.05.03
  • HIT : 1073

Forcing International Science & Business Belt (ISBB) to be located in Gwangju


GIST has mainly played a role for promotional work of International Science and Business Belt (ISBB) to be located in Gwangju. In brief, The International Science & Business Belt (ISBB) is a nationwide project funded by the Korean government. It is becoming quite apparent in the century of science business that national competitiveness depends on the development of original technologies and capabilities through investments in basic sciences. The ISBB project is designed to establish a research network for national growth by creating world-class research bases in Korea, which will serve to intensify its basic science capacities.


As of April 2011, the special law for establishing and supporting the ISBB has come into effect. An evaluation process for the site selection is in progress. Therefore the GIST and the city of Gwnagju have cooperatively pushed ahead with the promotional plan and campaign through the press.


GIST currently satisfies the research fundamentals for the development of applied technologies, and also has three research centers that Nobel laureates are overseeing, which helps the project to build an international network to create a world-leading basic science and future knowledge industry.


Please find out the further information following:


-         Dong-A Ilbo (April 28)



-         Segye Ilbo (April 26)



-         HanKyoreh Newspaper (April 27)
