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GIST Excellence

President of GIST Attending at UKC

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.08.24
  • HIT : 755

President of GIST Attending at UKC


- a special window for exchange with Korean scientists in the US



Dr. Sonu, the President of GIST attended UKC 2011, an academic conference hosted by Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) held from the 10th through the 15th of August.


UKC is a conference where Korean-American scientists as well as scientists from Korea and the US can meet each otters to foster exchange and cooperation in science and technological development. This year"s conference, held from 10 through 14 of August, laid out a variety of events, including seminars, forums, and meetings to discuss cooperation in industrial technologies.


As invited as a special guest speaker by Mr. Hosin Lee, the president of KSEA, Dr. Sonu delivered the congratulatory speech upon the 40th anniversary of the association. During the afternoon on 11, a separate session was reserved for him to introduce GIST to the audience. On the following day he participated in the US-Korea Cooperation Meeting and expressed GIST"s enthusiasm and interests in future cooperation and exchange with KSEA.


GIST has exerted great efforts to attract talented students as well as faculties. Having participated in the 2011 UKC, the exchange and cooperation with Korean-American scientists through the conference will allow GIST to add more force on its drive to attract future students.