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GIST held 2011 Fall Graduation Ceremony on 17

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.08.24
  • HIT : 745

GIST held 2011 Fall Graduation Ceremony on 17


- Produced advanced scientists including 49 doctors and 66 masters

- Each doctorate graduate produces 7.63 SCI articles on average, which is a high figure among world"s top schools

On 17 August, GIST hosted the 2011 Fall Graduation Ceremony in the grand auditorium of Oryong Hall where over 400 graduates and their families were attending.

This year produces 115 graduates, including 49 doctors. Among graduates 18 international students from eight different countries were also recognized.

Another figure found at the ceremony is catching eyes: each doctorate graduate produced, on average, 7.63 SCI articles. It shows that GIST and its graduates are already at the top class in academia.

In his congratulatory message, Dr. Sonu, the President of GIST said, "GIST is now objectively recognized as one of the world"s leading institutes. The QS university ranking shows that GIST is ranked on the 10th in the world for its citation per faculty and the first in Asia." He continued, "I like to pass along my sincere request that every single graduate should keep the pride as a grad of GIST and take the critical parts of the national development in science and technology."