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GIST Excellence

Extending the International Partnership into Universities in Middle Asia

  • 이시온
  • REG_DATE : 2011.04.27
  • HIT : 1010

Extending the International Partnership into Universities in Middle Asia


From April 19 to 21, Dr. Jung-ho Sonu, president of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) visited the Uzbekistan embassy and several universities in Kazakhstan and in Uzbekistan. The purpose of the visit was to discuss international collaboration for student exchange programs, academic and research cooperation, and recruitment of outstanding students from Middle Asia.


In Kazakhstan, our delegations visited Kazakh National Technical University and Kazakh-British Technical University. Despite of its short history, Kazakh-British Technical University has an excellent educational environment and requires proficient communication in English. QS World University Ranking in 2010 places Kazakh National Technical University in the top 600 schools in the world.


In Uzbekistan, we also have relationships with Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent State Technical University and the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (NUUz). GIST had an open invitation for exchange with NUUz in 2010, but was not able to pursue it until this year.


Tashkent State Pedagogical University is a specialized university supported by the state; GIST is looking for cooperation in fields in which both institutes share common research interests. Two students from Tashkent State Technical University are already enrolled in GIST’s Global Intern Program for the spring semester in 2011. Uzbekistan National University has a 90-year tradition and is the biggest and oldest university in that country. It actively looks forward to exchange with GIST.


During these visits, GIST representatives discussed with these institutions detailed cooperation plans for student exchange, joint research and future seminars: all of them responded enthusiastically.


In particular, GIST initiated cooperation with Alfarabi Kazakhstan National University (AKNU) by concluding a MOU on April 19th. Mr. Adilov Zhexenbek, President of AKNU remarked that "Substantial exchange is more important than signing on the MOU. (We at) Alfarabi Kazakhstan National University will exert ourselves for substantial exchange and cooperation."


To date, GIST has spared no effort to foster exchange and cooperation with universities in Central Asia and to attract talented Soviet-Koreans. It is expected that these visits will be a catalyst for cooperation between GIST and Central Asian universities.