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GIST Excellence

GIST APRI, Laser-Science Experience Field Study Event for Elementary School Students

  • 이시온
  • REG_DATE : 2011.04.26
  • HIT : 881


GIST APRI, Laser-Science Experience Field Study Event for Elementary School Students



  “Sir! Is it a light saver like something in a movie? 

  “Is it possible to dig through a wall with a laser light?”


On April 26, the ‘Science Experience Study for Elementary School Students’ was held in APRI, the Advanced Photonics Research Institute at GIST. Plenty of questions flooded the researchers and faculty from the very inquisitive students who participated in this program.

40 students were invited to one month of science events hosted by GIST to celebrate the Month of Science (April). This event was held as a nationwide cultural event of science and technology by developing a program based on science technology. For this event, GIST selected the topic of Principles of Light and prepared various events using lasers, including:


·         Carve small letters on a hand mirror.

·         Experience an alarm system emitted by colored rays that are used to detect intruders, like in the movies.

·         Pop balloons in a box using a laser.

·         Make a visible light.


Students also visited the Ultrashort Quantum Beam Research Center, which is a world-leading research institute in optical science and photonics technology.


Since 2007, APRI has hosted had this event for local students. Dr. Ik-bu Son said, “I hope that children in the Gwangju area gain interest in science through this event. Based on this event I think they may potentially dream of being a scientist in the future … because I saw many young students enjoy this program and had much interest in science, this work is quite worthwhile for me.”