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GIST, Dreaming to be the Best with a Small Number of Talents

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.09.06
  • HIT : 869


GIST, Dreaming to be the Best with a Small Number of Talents (Sept. special issue of Donga Science)

- GIST, Korea"s representative university focusing on science and technology

- Dreaming to be the world"s best university with a small number of talents

< This article was delivered in the Sept. special issue of Donga Science as  GIST, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Tsinghua University and Tokyo University were evaluated as the top 4 science and technology university in Asia>


The education methodology to select a small number of students talented at science and technology and take responsibility for the selected students is recognized as an alternative way to solve the problems faced by universities focusing on science and technology. Friendly relationship among members of the university is the strong competitiveness of GIST.


Last year, GIST ranked 10 in terms of citation of papers per professor in the QS university evaluation. Among Asian universities, GIST ranked top in 2009 and 2010 consecutively. The number of citation per professor is the most objective and reliable criteria as no subjective evaluation is involved.


The competitiveness of GIST is found in graduates. The number of papers published in international forum with the level of SCI per graduate with doctor"s degree is 8.08 on average, which is the highest number among universities in Korea(2009)